Project: Productive Use of Renewable Energy Programme (PUREP), Phase 1

Site visit solar PV Diesel Hybrid system in Bangladesh
The Government of Bangladesh (GoB) has set up the Productive Use of Renewable Energy Programme (PUREP) for which grant funds are provided by the German Financial Cooperation (FC), represented by the German Bank of Reconstruction (KfW) to the GoB and the programme executing agency the Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL).
WOLLNY CONSULTING supported the development of solar PV Mini-Grids development with the analysis of IDCOL’s internal appraisal tools and technical & economic calculations for solar PV mini-grids (incl. technical design and its economic implications with regard to the local business case). The following suggestions and guidelines were prepared:
- Preparation of instruction sheet for PV SYST and HOMER use
- Suggestions how to operate and maintain PV-Mini-Grids
- Guideline for Performance Check
- Guideline for Commissioning and Acceptance Test
Position: Senior PV Key Expert
Purchaser: INTEGRATION Consulting Group (Gräfenberg, Germany)